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Queen Pineapple
The Pride of Ormoc City is Among the Sweetest in the World.
The "Queen Pineapple" is often referred to as the dwarf pineapple due to its size which is between 500 grams to 700 grams. The exterior is rough and thorny, yet very sweet and succulent on the inside. It is best eaten fresh as it is not ideal for canning. Ormoc produces roughly 100 tons per year. Not enough to supply the growing local demand for their pineapples.
Featured on FOOD PRINTS with Sandy Daza on Metro Style

Opening and Storage
For maximum sweetness, open queen pineapple when the exterior is fully golden yellow in color with a strong sweet aroma.
When it reaches this stage, you may slice it open for consumption or store it inside the refrigerator.
You can eat up to its core (middle part). Best served chilled.
Flat Rate
PHP 100 Delivery Fee Within Metro Manila
Additional PHP 30 for Cash on Delivery

How to
Electronic Bank Transfer, E-Wallet, Credit Card,
Debit Card, Cash on Delivery

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